During 1888 steps were being taken to erect a suitable building for a hospital.
If "Man's inhumanity to man makes countless thousands mourn," man's humanity to man makes many a stricken heart rejoice.
Stratford hospital is a noble charity, and, as a purely philanthropic work, excels all others in this county.
Its promoters were the Co. Warden, and Mayor H. T. Butler, Messrs. John Hossie, William Davidson, Hon. Thos. Ballantyne, James O'Loane, John Idington, William Buckingham, J. P. Woods (judge), James Corcoran, E. T. Dufton, John McIntyre, and W. R. Tiffin.
This committee soon obtained subscriptions amounting to $17,000.
Of this sum Mr. Wm. Byers, an old pioneer, bequeathed $2,000, and by making the Trust residuary legatee to his will this great work received $2,000 more.
Stratford municipal council granted $2,000 and five acres of land.
The county council also granted $2,000 the balance being subscribed in sums ranging from fifty cents to several hundred dollars.
Every effort was made by the ladies of Stratford to procure necessary appliances and a full equipment, in which they succeeded.
When completed it was unencumbered.
Patients are charged $2.80 per week for care and medical treatment.
When private wards and special attendance are required, higher rates are paid.
The poor and helpless are generously treated free.
Arrangements are made whereby the charitable and benevolent may subscribe $100 per annum, which will entitle them to a bed for one patient each year.
Any person making a grant of $2,500 or real estate producing $150 per annum, can send one patient in perpetuity.
A patient so entering under this proviso must be an indigent.
The citizens of Stratford may point to this building with greater pride than to any other of which their city can boast.